This is a book written by Julia Cameron. I first read about this book all over social media, folks talking about morning pages and how this process changed their life. Of course, I had to get on Amazon and order it immediately. I am embarking on this journey in the hopes, not for some miraculous healing but really to find out what limits my belief in myself, skill, and abilities. What are my fears? What is holding me back from not just accomplishing things, but even the simple recognition of my hopes and dreams. What things do I want to accomplish? I am hoping that as I trudge through these 12 weeks that I will be able to find out and share some insights about myself, so you will all discover this just as I do. This is interesting considering these are not even things I am willing or ready to share with my family, but I can share here, with strangers. Funny how life works and where this crazy path leads. Should your interest be peaked you can purchase the book here or search your local library.